Malama Pono Punaluu


Malama Pono Punaluu

Mission Statement

Who We Are

Mālama Pono Punaluʻu (MPP) is a community-based, volunteer program founded in June 2022. We are comprised of about 40 adult volunteers members and are developing a youth stewardship component.

Our mission is to provide a safe and harassment free space for basking Honu (Green Sea Turtles), while making efforts to preserve and maintain the sandy beach area in its natural and pristine state to encourage Honuʻea (Hawksbill Sea Turtle) nesting.


Following are ways we are achieving our mission

  1. Provide a safe and harassment free space for basking Honu.

a. Maintain the rock enclosure designated for basking Honu.

b. Encourage our visitors to view from at least 20’.

c. Post effective signage for the future Generations.

d. Be a source to answer questions, disseminate information and educate our visitors.

2. Slow the speed of Black Sand loss, to extend the life of the beach and to maintain enough sand to encourage the continuation of nesting Honu’ea.

a. Approach and discourage visitors from taking sand.

b. Create more “Removal of Sand Prohibited” signage.

c. Plant naupaka in front of lagoon pond to keep high storm surf from pushing sand into pond.

d. Work with private land owners to participate and work together.

3. Preserve and Maintain Punalu’u Beach and keep it in its most natural and pristine 

Beach Cleaning:

a. Removal of fallen coconut leaves, discarded coconut husks and other debris not natural to the beach.

b. Remove large rocks washed on the beach by high tides and storm surf and return rocks back to the ocean.

c. Create signage for: No camping on the beach and No camp fires on the beach.

4. Be available to provide minimum beach safety measures after lifeguards go off duty

a. First Kit for minor injuries

b. Be available to answer visitors basic beach questions

c. Use bullhorn to warn swimmers venturing beyond the buoys 

d. Assist with visitors with common beach injuries: Slips and falls Sea urchin (Vana) pokes vehicle lockouts.

e. Call 911 for any emergencies

5. Data Collection

a. Track number of visitors viewing Honu

b. Track number of encroachment incidents

c. Track number of swimmers in the water during shift

d. Track number of Honu basking

e. Individual Honu identification

Contact Malama Pono Punaluu


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